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Play Strip Poker!
Here's where the info is!

Strip poker has been a popular party game for quite some time. I bet it's been around at least as long as the game itself. Probably before that, there was another strip card game; who knows what it was. I know that strip blackjack is almost as popular as strip poker. Now we can't forget about online strip poker either. Maybe not quite as fun as the live version, but still pretty good in a pinch! As far as online poker games go, the strip version is probably a lot more popular than you might think. Everyone knows that sex sells. So, combine the internet with a little bit of sex appeal, and a good game of online poker, and you've got yourself a pretty interesting combination to attract visitors.

There are lots of "flavors" of online strip poker to be found on the 'net. Admittedly, some will be nicer to look at than others, but usually, most will feature a nice-looking woman who will remove articles of her clothing as the game progresses. That's assuming that you're winning, that is. If you lose a hand, she'll generally put something back on. This is where you could actually practice a bit of your strategies you've been working on. There's certainly some good motivation there to win the strip poker game, what with the visual rewards you'll receive! And don't get me wrong, there are also some online strip poker games for women too; they're just a bit harder to find. …or maybe I'm just not good at looking for them :)

But we don't have to stop at playing strip poker online. You can buy games for playing on your home computer too! And these games are even more realistic than the online ones. With online strip poker, you're limited by the bandwidth that's available, so the games tend to be pretty simplistic, with few graphics, and not very good sound (at least the ones I've seen). On your home computer, the possibilities are almost endless! I won't go into any details, not having ever played a home PC strip poker game, and I'm sure you can use your imagination to come up with what the experience might be like. I bet you won't be far off either!

But wait! There's more! Not only can you get a strip poker game for your home computer, you can also get them for your PDA, or Pocket PC (handheld computer)! Imagine waiting for the bus, and playing a little strip poker on your PDA. What a way to pass the time! And it won't be long before they'll have strip poker on cell phones too! There's everything else you can think of in there already.

So find a quiet place, where you won't get any interruptions, and start practicing those poker strategies! Grab your notebook and work out the kinks in some of your systems. You'll do your best playing when you're motivated to win, and playing strip poker is one sure way to get motivated. Keep your eye on the prize!

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